CoVerified Version Two

a dive into app improvement

User Experience:

Covid Testing at The MassArt Testing Site

Besides physically checking in and swabbing, the process of getting tested at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design testing site revolves primarily around the app CoVerified. This is where you set up appointments, view results, and is home to resources/info in regard to COVID

Report Symptoms


Set Up Appointment


Get Tested


Await Results


Report Symptoms > Set Up Appointment > Get Tested > Await Results ---

Primary Research: Journey Map

Before moving forward, I wanted to get a grasp of the overall experience beyond the CoVerified app itself and see if there was any more insight I could obtain through this process.


  • -Set up appointment/check scheduled reccuring appointment on app

    -Report symptoms through coverifed app to be "cleared"

    -Take 45 minute commute to get to the school

    -Enter through DMC to show app and scan ID

    -Head down toward the testing site through the left hall past the DMC

  • -I'm not in any rush to get to my appointment because my shift begins earlier than my appointment

  • -The app is pretty easy to use in general and has many resources and other contact info in regard to covid

    -There were issues lately in regard to setting up appointments through the app, but didn't have to deal with it since I had a recurring appointment

    -Most of the time I report my symptoms just before I head into the building

    -If I have symptoms, I will have to report them accordingly and will either have to test elsewhere or at a clinic nearby that is targeted to test those who have symptoms.

    -If I report no symptoms, I'm good to go to campus and normally test through the site

    -If I am unable to come in, I can cancel my appointment and set up a new one

    -I only need to be tested once a week because I am on campus 3+ times a week

    -You still have to test regularly if you have taken the vaccine for now


  • -Walk a bit past the testing site into the bathroom

    -Blow nose and wash hands

    -Head out of bathroom and check in at first desk

    -Give them your name and whether or not you have symptoms or "close contacts"

    -Wait for them to print out label and confirm name & DOB

    -Have them stick label on test tube, take the tube, and bring it to the next desk

    -Pop cap off of test-tube, grab sealed cotton swab, open it, and swab across each nostril 3 times

    -Place used cotton swab down into test-tube, seal with cap, place in any open slot in a box, sanitize, and leave

  • -Could feel a bit awkward sticking a swab up your nose and have someone look at you while you’re doing it

  • -There are signs around the testing site and taped arrows on the ground to guide you where to go

    -If you get confused, you could always ask one of the testing site assistants sitting at the desks what to do

    -There are screens placed around the site to block off those who are testing to the incoming people walking by

    -There is little to no wait time for one to check in after blowing nose and washing hands

    -You are still able to test if you are early or late to your appointment, but this may affect wait time

    -The bathroom is a one at a time use only bathroom

    -You can use as many tissues as you need and choose a sink to wash your hands

    -Testing site assistants at the desk are easy to understand and allow the process to go smoothly/quickly

    -I try to not make eye contact with whoever is looking at me swab

    -It only takes a matter of seconds to swab and put the test tube in the box


  • -Await test results via email or through the CoVerified app

    -I test during my shift so I stay at the site

  • -I feel relieved that I got tested because I'll be aware of my status

  • -The test result could either comeback positive, negative, or inconclusive

    -It takes 24 to 48 hours to find out your result

    -I felt pretty comfortable throughout the whole process because I already have a recurring appointment set and know the process pretty well because I work there

    -I can only be cleared to be on campus for class if I test negative first. Since I had a previous negative result, I can stay on campus to work on projects or go to class

    -If my test comes back inconclusive, I should set up another appointment as soon as possible


After my personal task analysis of getting tested at MassArt, I conducted interviews through email with questions specifically geared towards the experience of getting tested at MassArt.

  • Is the CoVerified app easy to work with and understand? Have there been any issues with the app?

    “It does seem odd that once you go to your appointment and wait for results that there really isn’t evidence of you just being tested. Nothing says pending, your appointment disappears, and results pop up when completed.” - Professor at MassArt

  • Tell me about your most recent test at the school. How did you feel going through the site?

    “This last time I went to get tested, my CoVerified wouldn’t clear me, I think because it was a little over 2 weeks between testing (I think that was the reason) so I was a little nervous that I wouldn’t be let into testing, but it was fine.” - Student at MassArt

  • Is there anything that the process of checking in/swabbing or app itself could improve in?

    “Maybe list certain things that could make a swab get an inconclusive result, like say if someone gets blood or maybe a booger or something like that on their swab they can notice and get another one” - Student at MassArt

How Can I Help Students & Faculty Feel Confident After Their Covid Test?

Analysis of Five Main Screens

After conducting interviews, I began to analyze the current main screens of the app on paper in terms of where info, icons, and text was placed, keeping in the back of my head of what could be improved and implemented to help give the user confidence

Pain Points

Information Location, Feature/Icon Placement, Lack of Push Notifications

Screen Ideation

After gathering my notes on the current screens of the app, I began to think of ways certain things could be adjusted or added



- Fit more info on homepage

- Adjust icon placement to free up room

- Relocate “Go remote” and “App info”


- Move “Schedule Test”

- Move “Sched a test” info

- Condense/Free up screen space


- Add new reminder alert

- Add new appt. confirmation alert

- Make appropriate push notifications


Updated Design

Home Screen


Alert Screen


Testing Screen

User Flow

Throughout my analysis of CoVerified, I noticed a lack of assurance on the user end of the app.

This led me to think of ways to give the user more confidence when setting up an appointment, keeping up to date on their status, and overall, make the experience as stress free as possible.

If the app is easy to use, easy to understand, and easy to navigate as can be, confidence is what the user will have.


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